The feathered residents of Chirpendale are terrorized by an evil black crow by the name of "The Black Menace". But to the citizen's rescue comes a brave young taxi puller named Bill!
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July 19, 2011 Subject:
So Coot it Hurts!
Welcome to Chirpendale, where life is a lark until the raven mad Black Menace swoops down upon the tweet citizenry and brings normal life to a screeching
halt. The role of protecting the roost falls upon our hero, poor but hard working young taxidriver Bill Singer. Madly in love with hotel heiress Miss Coo, Bill must save her and all the rest of Chirpendale from the hateful old crow - twice. It's a chippy shot for clever, grit-in-his-craw lovebird Bill! Swallow "a few" droppings of bird puns, empty the birdseed from your pockets to get into the fly-by-night circus, and duck when you see the Black Menace - it's a hoot! For that "once in a lifetime" experience 8/10.
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June 26, 2011 Subject:
A cute novelty, but…
..adults may think it goes on for about twenty minutes too long. Nevertheless it is a remarkable achievement which is worth a look if you haven't seen
it. A must for parakeet devotees, but if you're ornithophobic, skip it. This appears to be a VHS transfer with typically soft images. The night scenes are too dark, but using the brightness controls on the GOM and VLC players helps a bit.